This week I attended another training.  For those of you who know me, I am constantly taking additional trainings to try to keep abreast of the new findings in neuroscience and therapy.  This time it was on ADHD.Janet Schryer Donahue, Therapist ADHD-300x225-1 ADHD - Medication is NOT the Only Option

The PhD Psychologist was informative.  He gave insights into how ADHD feels (which I know all too well) and causes.  But then he said something that at first disappointed me, then later I had to admit I was a bit angry – he said that the way to treat ADHD is medication.

That’s it.  That is all he offered.  Medication and a bit of behavioral training.

What?  How can someone at his level be so completely uninformed?  No wonder the typical therapist has no clue that neurofeedback can greatly improve a person with ADHD’s functioning on a daily basis!  Medication is not required in many cases if approached in this way.  Medication can be reduced or even eliminated quite often when neurofeedback is utilized.

Short sighted at its worst.  Uninformed.  Misinformation – or lack of information – continues to be accepted.

Neurofeedback is a non-medication approach to help the brain develop healthier firing patterns that can significantly reduce or even eliminate the symptoms of ADHD.