Telehealth has emerged in therapy like never before during the COVID pandemic.  And I think it is safe to say – it is here to stay.  While in-person sessions will eventually resume, telehealth will continue to be an option.  Here are some suggestions to have a good session:

  • Plan a private location free of distractions, a place where you feel free to talk.  Many get in their car and drive away from home or work a short distance to feel that sense of security.   I have held sessions with clients in a wide variety of creative places!  A home office, work office with the door shut, the laundry room with a dryer running for ambient noise, a garden, a garage, CVS parking lot, a municipal building . . . .
  • Be very mindful of your connection.  Is your wifi signal strong?  Your phone signal?  Right now, I am finding that using the phone line is much more reliable than wifi in many cases.  Keep in mind that a building or structure could block a signal, while others may have a very strong signal and enhance your access.
  • Connect a bit early.  If it is your first session, connect even a day or hours early to test out the connection and how it works.  Use the Pre-Test button to be sure your camera and microphone are on.
  • It has become obvious that any incoming message or phone call on an Apple shuts off sound afterward, making it necessary to break the connection and reconnect.  You may want to consider putting your phone on Do Not Disturb mode during your session to prevent this.  Remember to turn that off afterward, of course!
  • It is really helpful to have paper and pencil or pen, even some colors handy.  You never know when you may want to make a list, write something down, or an illustration may be just the right thing in the moment.
  • Be comfortable!  If you are in the car, be sure the temperature is comfortable for both you and your phone.
  • Be sure your device (phone, tablet, computer) has adequate charge, or plug it in before beginning the session.
  • If the session  freezes so that we cannot communicate, we will disconnect and reconnect.  That will require you to click back in again.
  • Keep an eye on the note section of the platform – I may send you a message there – or on your texts.
  • While childcare can be accommodated, we will both be mindful that some things simply cannot be discussed in front of the children.  It is always better to have the children down for a nap or someone else attending to them whenever possible.

Do you have a suggestion?  Please let me know!